Peptides can effectively improve liver function
Peptides can make all liver diseases get better, is the liver is the best restorer, the liver is the body's digestive tract in the larger digestive organ, the body from food intake of protein, sugar, human fat and vitamins and other nutrients, and finally in the liver or liver to participate in metabolism, so the liver is called "factory".
Key words: small molecule peptide, liver function, peptide synthesis, immunocompetence
The Liver is One of The Vital Organs of The Body
In addition, the liver can be converted into bile, which is metabolized to the colon according to the gallbladder duct and common bile duct, to assist in food digestion. In addition, the liver is also the body's larger detoxification organ, which dissolves the body's digestion and absorption of toxic substances;
It is also the body's larger reticular endothelial cell phagocytic system, with the effect of phagocytic bacteria, in addition to participating in hormone regulation, inflammatory mediators and their control mechanisms and matrix repair. It is worth mentioning that the liver has a strong ability to regenerate and respond to work, and after surgical treatment to remove a piece of liver, a detailed liver can be grown within 3 months. The liver is rich in blood supply and is one of the body's blood banks.
Peptides Can Make All Liver Diseases Better
Peptide can make all liver diseases get better, is the liver's best restorer, contemporary people's fast pace of daily life, too much pressure, overwork, too much drinking, air pollution and the toxic side effects of ingesting drugs, often lead to heavy liver burden, far beyond the human normal liver explanation and resilience.
The endometrial system of the liver will slowly lose its reliability and suffer different levels of destruction, resulting in liver porosity, vacuolation, and even necrosis. If not treated immediately, it is very easy to become cirrhosis, liver ascites, and even advanced liver cancer, seriously endangering life.
Effects of Small Molecular Peptides on The Liver
Peptides have a variety of physiological specificities and can protect the liver from damage on several levels. Professor Krell Hines, a Canadian medical scientist, said: Peptides can make liver disease significantly better, regardless of the cause. The famous Chinese scientist and Nobel Prize winner Chu also said: the biological engineering of the 21st century is to study genetic engineering and protein engineering, and to study protein engineering, in a sense, is to study peptides.
Small molecule active peptide is an active substance between amino acids and proteins, which is generally composed of 2 to 10 amino acids. Omizzur Biotech can custom peptide synthesis of various small molecule peptides .Small molecule active peptide is rich in nutrition and has a variety of physiological activities, which can protect the liver and nourish the liver from several aspects:
1. The Source of Nutrients for The Liver
Small molecular peptide content is small, easy to digest, can be used for the repair and reconstruction of liver damage to show a full range of nutrients applicable.
2. Repair Damaged Liver
Small peptides can penetrate the liver immediately, stimulate liver DNA production, promote liver reconstruction, and then repair liver function.
3. Avoid Alcoholic Liver
Small molecular peptides have anti-lipid peroxidation and cholesterol-lowering effects, and can protect the liver, membrane protein membranes and endoplasmic reticulum from ethanol and other acids.
4. Eliminate the Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis Virus
Small molecule peptides can further improve the immune capacity of the liver, have immune enhancement effect on tissue cells, T cells, NK cells, and eliminate a variety of foreign invasion and internal antigenic body chemicals.
For example, eliminate the hepatitis B virus that already exists in the blood, eliminate the hepatitis virus that invades the liver, and even eliminate the liver that has already been infected and become diseased. Peptide can make all liver diseases get better, is the liver's best restorer.
5. Avoid Liver Cirrhosis
When the production and transportation of human albumin in the liver are hindered, the serum albumin component will be reduced, resulting in cirrhosis. Small molecule peptides can improve the production of human albumin in the liver, thus avoiding the emergence of cirrhosis.
6. Eliminate Fatty Liver
Small peptides can improve the function and charm of liver cells, promote the operation of lipolysis, and eliminate human fat around the liver.
7. Inhibit Liver Fibrosis
Small molecular peptides can reduce the lysofibrogenic process factors released by liver after damage, reduce the activity of hepatic stellate cells, and inhibit the development trend of liver fibrosis.
8. Maintain Your Liver
Small molecule peptides can eliminate or alleviate the toxic side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy on the liver of tumor patients. Peptide can make all liver diseases get better, is the best restorer of the liver peptide as one of the nutritional elements of special medical food sources, through special processing technology. Can be continuously digested and absorbed in the body, and does not cause all pressure on the body digestive tract, high utilization rate, is a chemical substance that can show prefabricated nutritional components for somatic cells. More and more hospitals are using it as a nutritional supplement.
9. Regulate Immunity
Small molecule active peptides can regulate the immune function of the liver itself, have immune enhancement effects on phagocytes, T cells and NK cells, eliminate all kinds of foreign invasion and endogenous antigen substances, Such as clearing the existing hepatitis B virus in the blood, making HBsAg turn negative, and produce protective antibodies to clear the core antigen of hepatitis virus invading liver cells. Remove the infected liver cells and so on.
10. Nutritional Repair
Small molecule active peptide has small molecular weight and is easy to digest and absorb. It can provide comprehensive nutritional support for the repair and regeneration of damaged hepatocytes, and is a very ideal source of hepatocyte nutrition.
Small molecular peptides penetrate into liver cells, stimulate DNA synthesis of liver cells, promote liver cell regeneration, and thus restore liver function. Small molecule active peptides protect liver cell membranes, mitochondrial membranes and endoplasmic reticulum from alcohol or other chemical damage by anti-lipid peroxidation and scavenging free radicals.
Sum Up
The liver is the source of the eye, the liver is not good, the eyes can not be nourished. The meridians of the liver are connected to the eyes, and the essence of the liver is also connected to the eyes. Dry eyes, astringent eyes, eye fatigue and other problems are closely related to the liver. Small molecule active peptide not only has a good nutritional effect on liver cells, but also can protect liver cells from damage, and has a good application prospect in nourishing liver and improving eyesight.
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